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Selectmen Minutes 02/09/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
February 9, 2010

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, and Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator),Chris Weir, Desiree Weir, Allan Mayville, Cyndi Mayville, Stephen Stock, Martha Stock, Bob Lienhart, George Cooper, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Christine Poulin, Daryl Wyatt, Dan O’Brien, Pat Clarke, Sarah Paveglio, Mike Paveglio, Barbara Frangione, Thomas Houle, Karen Lingner, Lucille Noel, Walter Sanborn, Holly MacCleery, Matt Cole, Kristina Cole, Michelle Plunkett, Jim Plunkett, Joyce Vien, Jamie Pike, Matt Spolar, Bette Bogdan

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  
Fire Department
Fire Department Officers, Alan Quimby, Ed Millette, Matt Cole, and George Cooper were present to update the Selectmen.  Procedures while the Chief is on Leave of Absence were discussed.  It was decided that the Personnel files would be brought to the Town Administrator’s Office.  Nothing more than regular purchases should be made at this time.  Mr. MacCleery would like more of the Officers learn the paperwork duties and to have it spread out amongst the officers.  Adding new members was discussed.  The Selectmen are entrusting the Officers to handle new members with the understanding that there should be no wholesale/major changes in absence of the Chief.  Joyce Vien will drop the Explorer off at the Station.  Nancy will contact Gil regarding access to the Fire Department computer and his equipment.  Mr. Quimby reports having no problems with the schedule and they have communication/leadership trainings scheduled with LGC.  He also reports the Fire Department moral is good.  

Other Business

Forestry Budget:  The Forest Fire Warden would like to split up his $4,000 budget differently among the line items.  He explained that he will need more money for administration this year and less for equipment.  The Warden will contact Nancy during the week with the amounts.

Health Officer:  Nancy asked the Selectmen for permission to allow the Health Officer to call the Town’s Attorney regarding a landlord issue. The Selectmen agreed.

HIPAA:  Nancy contacted LGC’s attorney regarding the questions of HIPAA violations.  It was determined that no violation occurred.  Since the Selectmen have authority over the Fire Department they are privy to certain information.  The information in question was only seen by the Selectmen.

Fire Department:  Daryl Wyatt asked if the status of his termination has changed.  Mr. MacCleery reported that the Selectmen can not make any decisions or changes regarding his status at this time since there is an ongoing investigation.  
The Selectmen received a letter from Police Officer Joe Orlando and he requested it be read during the Selectmen’s meeting.  A copy of the letter is attached.  Joyce Vien disagreed with some of the statements in the letter.  

Fire Department Radios: The Selectmen received a letter from the Department of Safety.  They are requesting that the radios received from a 2006 grant be inventoried and certification of such be returned to them.    Nancy will give Alan Quimby a copy of the information.
Highway Department:  Mr. MacCleery asked the Road Agent if he could use the plow from the Blazer on a new ¾ ton pick up.  Mr. Plunkett says he is told he can.  It is a 7.5 foot plow.

A motion by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan  Richard DeBold


Dear Selectmen

Approximately three weeks ago I was contacted by Joyce Vien by, phone. She had asked if I could do a written statement about the incident that occurred on 27 June 2009 at 1115 AM hours. The involving Darrell an EMT with the Chichester Fire and Rescue. Joyce advised that Darrel is most likely going to ask the selectman for an appeal on his suspension. Joyce went on to say he originally had 15 days to request an appeal from the selectmen but he didn't at that time.

This all started because of an incident that suspended Cliff and Diane. They will be appealing their suspensions with the selectman since they are related to Gilbert. Joyce also asked if I would speak to the selectman regarding the incident involving Darrell if I was asked to do so.

I did advise Joyce that I was reluctant to do a written statement of the incident. Due to this may lead to civil liabilities against the town of Chichester. I did advise Joyce that request for written statements or speaking to the selectmen has to go through Chief Clarke. During this conversation I could hear Gilbert in the back ground. Joyce was telling Gilbert what I was saying.

I later learned from Chief Clarke that the selectmen were told by Gilbert Vien that Chief Clarke would not let me speak at the meeting. I want to clarify that I was not requested to speak to the selectmen nor did Chief Clarke receive for me to do so! If Gilbert Vien needs a statement, report or request that I speak to the selectmen he needs to just make a simple request to Chief Clarke and I would be happy to do so!


Officer Joseph P. Orlando